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Hi Sylvia, do hope you are ok?


Just thought I would let you know Maisie our AM Cockapoo/toy is just doing great, all the family really love her.

In fact I'm thinking about getting a T-shirt made up with

I'm a cockapoo on it as when we go for walks we are stopped and asked every five minutes.

Even people in cars slow down to have a look!


Best Wishes,

Fiona & Maisie

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Sylvia and Mike


I thought I’d drop you a line, now that Magee has achieved the ripe old age of four months, to say what a total joy he is.  Everywhere we go he is widely admired, not surprising since he is absolutely adorable, as you can see from the attached (taken about six weeks ago).  He has a wonderful temperament, being both affectionate and highly intelligent


Kind regards


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Hi Sylvia,

I hope you are well.


We have had a busy couple of months keeping up with

Fudge and his antics. He is such a character.

The kids love him to bits and he has certainly been

the best thing we have done for some time now.

He has settled in very quickly and is now fully toilet

trained and has definitely cottoned on to treats for doing a command.

He is so loving and with Joanne off during the day it has helped in such a big way. He hasn't chewed furniture but loves having a play fight with me and Matthew which ends up with him play biting. The only thing he loves is shoes ! Every time we turn our back the lounge is full of shoes from under the stairs ! He is such a lovely character and this must be down to mum and dad so thanks again !

I've attached a few photos for you to see. I hope you enjoy looking

at them and i will try to keep in touch more often to give you



We have a good friend who has fallen in love with Fudge so she is

planning on buying a cockapoo from you in the next few months -

what have you got coming up ?


Anyway i will have to go now so hopefully we will see you soon -

Joanne would still love a black cockapoo !



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Hi Sylvia,


We bought honey off you on November 8th last year (please see recent piccy). She is an absolute joy to have, was housetrained  in no time and is a pleasure to have. She is quite infamous around the area we live, and I have had quite a few people ask if you will be expecting any more cockapoos at

all?? And if so, when and are they from the same parents as Honey.


Thanks again,  Melanie

hi sylvia


i thought you might like to see how gypsy has now turned out and inca too! they are both thriving and coming on a treat!  gypsy is moving nicely up in puppy class and now working off lead! inca still needs work but she is that little bit younger!


i have been keeping an eye on epupz and saw you had other cockapoos with the toy poodle as dad!  they didn't stay advertised for long and i am sure that everyone who homes

one of these little breeds will be like myself and delighted!


many thanks again for supplying me with two healthy well balanced pups!



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Hi Sylvia,


Teddy is wonderful we all love him . Otto , the border terrier and Teddy  are so suit each other that's amazing.


Thank you so much


Warm regards



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Hi Sylvia


Don't know if you remember us but we bought Sandy, a lovely little cockapoo puppy, from you in February this year.


He is an absolute joy to have around the house and much loved by not only us but everyone who knows him.  He really is an affectionate little thing, quite cheeky sometimes though.  His favourite passtime is lieing on his back at the drop of a hat to have his tummy rubbed and we have to watch him with flower pots in the garden as he took quite a liking to pulling out pansies and geraniums to play with.  Perhaps these are traits familiar to his parents!


We couldn't bear to leave him in kennels so we took him to Scotland with us on holiday this year and he travelled brilliantly in the car and on a short train journey whilst we were there.  He absolutely loved all the walks and fresh air in Scotland as you can see from the attached photos.  In short, he comes everywhere with us and is quite put out if he is not included in anything.  He is also constantly being admired by other dog lovers and has even won over some non doggy people we know.



Hello Sylvia


We bought Frankie the tri coloured apricot cockapoo from you in mid August this year.  I just wanted to let you know that he is absolutly lovely and a credit to you, his mum and dad.


Walking him is a pain as practically everyone we meet is totally crazy about him.  He is very cheeky, loves shoes and socks and is very happy and bouncy. He hasn't cried one night, not even on his first night so we are very lucky.  Thank you for him.  I am now going to attempt to attach some photos of him.  Hope you are keeping well.


Kind regards



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